• Prerequisite:

    All technical users must have a knowledge of MVC to implement Orchard CMS.

    To learn Orchard Core and setup Orachard CMS follow the below step:

    1. Learn about Orchard Core CMS. Click Here

    2. User can download the latest OrchardCore CMS from GitHub. To download the code Click Here

    3. Open OrchardCore.sln and wait for Visual Studio to restore all Nuget packages.

    4. Ensure OrchardCore.Cms.Web is the startup project and run it

    5. Run the site.

    6. Fill the form and write all mandatory details and select Software as a Service as Recipe and Postgres as a Database as show in the below snap for reference.

    7. Click on Finish Setup button and submit the form.

    Note: By applying all the above 7 step Orchard Core CMS will execute successfully

    Important Notes:

    1. User can add MVC modules as required in existing projects.

    2. Each added module needs to enable from Admin side -> Module.

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