TestLink is a test management tool used for project management and test management. It keeps the track of requirements, test cases, builds and test execution until testing process closes. It is a freeware tool which can be accessed through multiple users at the same time.
Steps to use testlink
Login To Testlink :
Step 1 :Open the Testlink home-page and enter the login details
1.Click on this URL- testlink.mysandboxsite.com
2.After click on Access Testlink
3.Enter the Login Name
4.Enter the Password
5.Click on the “Log in” button
2) Creating a Test Project :
Step 1: On the home page, click on Test Project Management.
Step 2: Click on the button "create" to create a new project.
Step 3: Enter all the required fields like a category, project name, prefix, description, etc. Now click on button "Create" at the end of the page.
This will create your project "Test Project" successfully.
Once you have created a Test Project, the next step is to create Test plan.
Note that : you always have to select Test project whenever you are logged in, select the test project from the top right dropdown.
Also make it active, otherwise it won't display in side dropdown
3) Creating a Test Plan:
Step 1: Click on Test Plan Management from home-page
Step 2: Fill out all required fields like name, description, create from existing test plan, etc. and click on "create" button
Note: Always mark test plan active
Test Project Test Plan is created successfully
4) Build Creation:
Step 1: Click on Builds/Releases under Test Plan from the home page.
Step 2: Fill up all necessary details for a build release and click on create to save your release
1.Enter the title name
2.Enter the description about the build release
3.Select Active checkbox
4.Select Active checkbox
5.Choose the date of release
6.Click on create a button
Once you have a release build, it will look like this:
5) Writing Requirements:
Step 1: From the navigation bar select the "Requirements Link", it opens the Requirement page.
Step 2: On the right side of requirement page, click on "create" button
Step 3: Enter all the details like
1.Document ID
2.Title name
3.Requirement Description
4.And Click "Save" button
Step 4: It should create Requirement specification and display on the left side under the Test project.
Step 5: Select the setting button from requirements specification home page.
Step 6: Click "Create" button under Requirement Operations.
Step 7: Fill up all the specified details and click the "Save" button.
1.Enter the document Id
2.Enter the title name
3.Enter the description
4.Enter the status-whether it's in draft, rework, review, not testable, etc.
5.Enter the type – user interface, non-functional, informational, feature, etc.
6.Enter the number of test cases needed
7.Enter the "Save" button at the bottom of the page
On the left side of the page, we can see that the requirement is added.
6) Creating Testsuite :
Step 1: Click on test specification option from the home page.
Step 2: On the right side of the panel, click on the setting icon. It will display a series of test operation.
Step 3: Click on the "create" button for the test suite
Step 4: Fill up all the details for test-suite and click on save it.
1.Enter the test suite name
2.Enter the details about your test suite
3.Click on save button to save the details of test-suite
4.It is look like below image
7) Creating a Test Case:
Step 1: Click on the test suite folder on the left side of the panel under a folder tree structure
Step 2: Click on the setting icon in the right side panel. List of test case operations will be displayed on the right side panel
Step 3: To create test cases, click on the create button in test case operations
Step 4: Enter the details in the test case specification page
Step 5:Now click on "create" button to save the details. The test case for Test Project is created successfully.
Step 6: Click on test case from the folder, it will open a window. Click on "create steps" button in a test case. It will open a test case step editor
1.Enter test case steps
2.Enter the details about the step
3.Click save it and add another step OR click save and exit button if there is no more test case steps.
Step 8: Once you save and exit the test step, it will look like this
8) Assigning requirement to test-cases:
Step 1: From the test specification section open any single test case and click on requirement icon
Step 2: To assign requirements specification to test case you have to follow the following steps
1.Scroll the drop down box to select the requirements specification
2.Mark the requirement checkbox
3.Click on "Assign" button
9) Keyword Creation:
Step 1: Go to Test Project →Keyword Management from the home page
Step 2: Click on “Create Keyword” button.
Step 3 : Enter the Keyword and Description.
Step 4 : Click the Save button shown below.
Step5: Click the Assign to Test Cases button as shown below.
Step 6: click on your test case and after click on “Save” button.
10) Add Keywords on testcase:
Step 1: Go to home page and click on Test specification
Step 2: Click on your test case and Add keyword in this
11) Add/Remove Test Cases :
Step 1: Go to home page and click on Add/Remove test cases at right pane
Step 2: Click on your test suite
Step 3: Select checkbox and after click on the Add selected
12) Executing a test case:
Step 1: From the navigation bar click on the "Test Execution" link. It will redirect you to the Test Execution page.Look into below image.
Step 2: Select the Test case you want to run from the left side page.
Step 3: Once you select the test cases
Step 4: Enter the notes related to test case executed and select the status
Step 5: Enter the Execution duration (min) click on pass icon
Step 6: On the same page, fill up the same type of details about the execution of test cases. If any specific result is there, mention it, select the status and then click on "save execution".Look into below image.
13) Assigning test case Execution:
Step 1: Select checkbox and send email notification
Step 2: Click on “Apply Assign” button.Look into below image.
14) Move/Copy test cases from one test suite to other:
Step 1: First click on your test case after Click on setting icon
Step 2: Click on “Move/Copy” button
Step 3: Enter all details like:
1.Select the drop down from “Choose test suite”
2.Select checkbox of “Copy keyword Assignment”
3.Select checkbox of “Copy Requirement Assignment”
4.Click on “Move” button
15) Generate Test Report:
Step 1: Go to home page and click on “Test Report” icon
Step 2: Report and Metrics page looks like below image.
Step 3: Click on “Test Report” and select your test cases.
Step 4: Test Case report is generated at the end of the page
Step 5: Click on “Test result matrix” and observe the result below
Note that: Any test report generate in testlink