• Features:

    Select file with allowed extensions






    Step 1: Create a new angular project.

    ng new editable-image-upload


    Step 2: npm install cropperjs —save


    Step 3: Add below code in the “index.html” file in the head tag.


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cropperjs/2.0.0-alpha.2/cropper.min.css"


      crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />


    Step 4: npm install material-design-icons


    Step 5: Add below code in the “index.html” file in the head tag.

      <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">


    Step 6: Create a new component with the “ng g c image-taker” command.


    Step 7: Add @angular/material module if not installed yet with below command

    ng add @angular/material


    Step 8: Add a button in your app.component.html.

    <div class="container">

      <button (click)="onUploadFile()" class="button">Upload your Image</button>



    Step 9: Implement “onUploadFile()” in “app.component.ts”.

      constructor(public dialog: MatDialog) {}


      onUploadFile() {

        const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ImageTakerComponent, {

          panelClass: 'app-image-taker',

          width: '800px',

          height: '800px'



        dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((result) => {});



    Step 10: Make sure to declare the “MatDialogModule” in app.module.ts


    Now, we will learn how to use cropperjs.


    Let’s design image-taker.component.html

    Step 1: add an input control to select a file.

    <input type="file" (change)="onFileSelected($event)" />


    Step 2: add an editable image space.









    Step 3: add edit action button.

    <a class="btn material-icons" (click)="onEdit()">edit </a>


    Step 4: add different action buttons for editing.

    <a class="btn material-icons" *ngIf="isInEditMode" (click)="onZoomIn()">zoom_in</a>

        <a class="btn material-icons" *ngIf="isInEditMode" (click)="onZoomOut()">zoom_out</a>

        <a class="btn material-icons" *ngIf="isInEditMode" (click)="onRotateRight()">rotate_right</a>

        <a class="btn material-icons" *ngIf="isInEditMode" (click)="onRotateLeft()">rotate_left</a>

        <a class="btn material-icons" *ngIf="isInEditMode" (click)="onCropper()">crop</a>


    Step 5: add a preview image box.


    <img [src]="imageDestination" class="img-preview" />


    So, if I summaries, it will look like this.


    Let’s code image-taker.component.ts


    Step 1: Declare the required variables.

      isInEditMode = false;


      public canvasData!: Cropper.CanvasData;

      private cropper!: Cropper;


      @ViewChild('sourceImage', { static: false })

      public imageElement!: ElementRef;



      public imageSource!: string;


      public imageDestination!: string;

      SelectedFile!: File;

      isHidden = false;


    Step 2: Implement the “onFileSelected()” method.

    onFileSelected(event: any) {

        if (!event.target.files || !event.target.files.length) {

          this.isHidden = false;


        } else {

          const file: File = event.target.files[0];

          const reader = new FileReader();

          reader.onload = (e) => {

            this.imageSource = reader.result!.toString();



          this.isHidden = true;




    Step 3: Implement “onEdit()” as a click event for “Edit Button”.

    onEdit() {

        this.isInEditMode = !this.isInEditMode;

        if (this.isInEditMode) {





    setCropper() {

        this.cropper = new Cropper(this.imageElement.nativeElement, {

          zoomable: true,

          scalable: true,

          aspectRatio: 1,

          crop: () => {

            const canvas = this.cropper.getCroppedCanvas();

            this.imageDestination = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');





    Step 4: Implement the “Image Editing Functions”.

      onRotateRight() {




      onRotateLeft() {




      onZoomIn() {




      onZoomOut() {




      onCropperDisable() {




      onCropperEnable() {




      onCropper() {




    Step 5: Check the output.



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